Saturday, July 31, 2010

Dear Mom,

... When you can't "verbally" say it, ... but you need to say it...

Dear Mom,

I love you.  You're great.  I've always known that!  You are an inspiration to me, I want you to know that.  It takes more than guts to go after what your heart wants.  I never fully understood that until I too entered the "creative world".  I'm one of the lucky few to have parents support me whole heartedly for me to pursue my dream in this fabulous "creative world".  What I'm learning from my surroundings is it's rare for parents to "emotionally" back their daughters in this field.  Most aspire for their kids to be doctors, lawyers, finance CEO's ;) [wink... that's where I was headed] ... Sure the parents "fit the bill" for their kids, but there is no emotional support -- that is priceless.  You've always supported me - pushed me to want to reach my full potential.  For this, in my life, I will!  To some degree, I already have, but I have big goals for my life -- and I know I will get there.

I'm lucky to have you as my mom.  I can only hope and pray that someday I too can have a daughter that would feel the same way about me.

Some can take the easy road.  But for me to really get it -- I guess I've had to take the road less traveled on.  However, I've never felt alone -- you've always been there.  When I was sick in Hawaii, basically on my death bed, you were there all the time -- I will never forget that.  I think of those times way more often than you may realize.

You and my dearest daddy are wonderful people.  I still don't know how I deserve you both as my parents.

I'm sure I've still got a lot of learning to do... but I'm gett'in there.

I know God loves me dearly -- because of the family he gave me.

I love you all!  Thanks for always supporting me - even when I have a hard head, you are still there.  You're the best!

Love,  Elena
Your one and only daughter! [thank goodness - right?! ;)]

*** This article is dedicated to my mommy dearest, the only mom who would ever really get me -- I'm lucky!  I love her!  This article is intended for you to be inspired to write a letter to who has inspired you.


  1. My Dearest Elena,

    I Love you so much! This little posting bought tears of joy to my eyes and to your Daddys'.

    You mean the world to us. We are so very proud of you.

    I'm a believer in the new George Strait song, "It's not the breath's we take, but the breath's that take our breath away." And this is truly one of those moments.

    I love you. And you'll always be my baby.

    Love Forever,

  2. What a great blog you have here. I love how you're pursueing your dreams. Good for you!
